By sponsoring meetings (generally luncheons) throughout the greater Southern California area, HPRMA provides members perspectives on marketing, updates on health care trends, and discussion on policies and issues affecting public relations, marketing and advertising.
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The annual Golden Advocates Awards program provides an opportunity for Southern California health care professionals to showcase their talents and be recognized for their accomplishments. This year the Golden Advocates Awards will be presented on November 16, 2004 at the Home Depot Center. Information on entries for 2004 will be available in September. For more information, contact Barbara Bivens at 714-890-0008.
Member Communication
An electronic newsletter notifies members of programs, workshops, special events, job openings, and organizational items. Articles from members are encouraged and they can be submitted to HPRMA.
Membership Roster
A frequently-updated roster is available in the Members-Only section of this website.
Job Line
A list of current job openings is in the Members-Only section of this website. Members may post and retrieve the classified ads free of charge. Non-members may click here to purchase a 3 month subscription to our job announcements.
Additional Information
Contact Terri Langhans, President, at (714) 894-0423 or contact the HPRMA office.
Meeting Times and Locations:
Upcoming Events
FEBRUARY 22, 2005 Luncheon QUALITY INDICATORS: What you need to know before your patients do.Tuesday, February 22 , 2005
Note that meeting sites rotate, and times and dates vary.
Past Events
Successful Strategies for Increasing Visability, Marketshare and Profitability
Guerilla Publicity: Practical Publicity to Increase Visibility
Does the Noise Inside My Head Bother You?
Ignite Your Impact from the Middle of the Pack
Opening the Door
Power of Networking
Persuade Like a Pro!
Marketing on a Shoestring Budget
Are You Running Out of Ideas?
Imagining the Healthcare Landscape of Tomorrow
Roundtable Networking Event
Fall Seminar 2003
Finance for MarketersMarketing the Marketing Department
Quality Measures and Report Cards
Seminar: Effectively Managing Communications During Hospital Labor Disputes
Reporters Sound Off on What Makes Successful Story Pitches
HIPAA: Implications for Healthcare Communicators
Members Only: Download the PowerPoint PresentationGrowth Strategies That Impact the Bottom Line
Optimizing Your Market Research Dollars and Results
E-Mail Marketing:
The Things You Should KnowHospital Marketing 2010: Image, Strategy, Quality, Trends
Forecasting Health Care: View into the Future
15564 Producer Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
Phone: 714-890-0008
Fax: 714-890-5865
[email protected]